Monday, September 21, 2009

September 8, 2009 to September 12, 2009

We took Cashel to Build-a-Bear to make her big sister present from Mom and Dad.

She passed over all the bears in favor of a unicorn

She tried to give her unicorn an air bath, but the shooting air sound scared her

Then she made a birth certificate for "Olivia" the unicorn

She loved using the pet carrier to carry Olivia around the mall

"Say Cheese!"

Demonstrating a silly dance she learned at pre-school

Meanwhile, Peter laid on his mat. This is pretty much all he does right now.

Cashel tried it too, but she is a tad too big

He didn't like the way that other kid in the mirror was looking at him

Chatting it up with Popo

First bath...he loved it

Can't you tell?

Only big sisters get to lick the frosting off the spatula...

...not baby brothers.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September 4, 2009 to September 8, 2009

Cashel trying to pacify baby Peter

Hugs from Popo

He's wearing the same going-home outfit that Cashel wore

Not too excited to be leaving the hospital

We love Peter's rocker hairstyle

Doing her fish impression

Not sure what she's trying to do

Cashel enjoys her bike rides...and usually refuses to take her helmet off afterward

Friday, September 4, 2009

September 3, 2009: Welcome Peter Kealoha!!

We'd like to introduce the newest addition to our family:
Peter Kealoha

7 lbs, 1 oz; 20 inches long; born September 3 at 11:39AM

Meeting his big sister for the first time. Cashel was so gentle and loving with him.

Peter even brought Cashel a big sister gift. Not sure when he had time to go get this...or where he got the money from.

Peter meeting Tai Tai