Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cashel's School Picture

Cashel had school photos taken at her daycare (She's growing up so fast). We thought it was very cute.

Monday, December 7, 2009

November 9, 2009 - December 6, 2009

Cashel's dance class ended with a recital. She showed us her tap and ballet skills.

Cashel got a cookbook from Aunty Susan and Uncle David. Here she's trying out one of the recipes: Caramel Corn


Already hogging the TV remote

Peter loves watching us from the Bumbo seat

Why does dad do this to me?

Seriously...get this off me

Somehow, this is a comfortable sleeping position

Dress up is a favorite activity

Wings go with every outfit!

He just realized he's a Duck and not a Husky

We had a nice visit from our friends Renee and Eric

Getting ready to meet Santa

Her diabolical smile implies she's up to something


Peter seems unimpressed

But Cashel was soooo excited