Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 3, 2010 to January 29, 2010

The exersaucer is a whole new world for Peter

Cashel playing hostess to the family

"How'd the papparazi get in here?"

Peter's baptism

He did such a good job

With his Godparents, Aunty Susan and Uncle David

And now he's done with the exersaucer

This is Minnie, the kitty Cashel made at Build-a-Bear (thanks, Lindsay!). Cashel felt that Minnie needed this mermaid costume, complete with wig.

After a while, she decided the hair would work best on her own head...

...but we knew whose head it would really work best with.

Playing in Cashel's ball bin.

Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8, 2010

Untitled from orangewker on Vimeo.

Cashel's school had their annual Winter Celebration today. We didn't know until we arrived that she had a special part in the performance.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

December 7, 2009 to January 2, 2010

Tis the season

Cashel decorated gingerbread cookies for her teachers

We headed up to Washington for the holidays. Unfortunately, we forgot our camera for most of our visits. We did remember it a few times....
Visiting Zoolights with our friend Sarah

It was very cold and windy, but Peter seemed comfortable

Cashel loved the carousel, and named her horse Barbie

Looking all smug in his cute outfit

Not so smug anymore, hat boy

Christmas photo with Nanny

On Christmas eve, Nanny and Cashel made cookies for Santa

She insisted on holding this pose while we took pictures

Just in case Santa can't find the cookies and milk, Cashel offered to stay up and point them out to him when he arrived

Christmas morning

Peter was infatuated with his new Tigger blanket

Meeting Aunty Marie

Uh-oh, Peter found his thumb

snuggling with Popo

When we returned home, Cashel had gifts waiting from Santa under our tree. Here she's modeling a new apron. She's so excited to help us cook.

Another gift from Santa...

...a snow globe (the only thing she asked Santa for)

Our friend Lindsay sent a huge care package from Ohio and spoiled us all!

Watching the Rose Bowl. Not a great day for Oregon.