Tuesday, March 9, 2010

January 30, 2010 to March 3, 2010

Cashel and Daddy went to Mariner's Fanfest this year. She enjoyed running around the bases and getting autographs (sorry for the picture quality on these...we were using a disposable camera)

Keep cool, my babehs

Pfft, this isn't that hard

Cashel was super excited about her "tattoo"

First rice cereal

Once he figured out the whole spoon thing, he really liked it...
...sort of.
Cashel and Daddy went geocaching (or treasure hunting, as she put it)
which took us all over Eugene
After several unsuccessful attempts, we found one on our last try.

Cashel signed the log book

Peter debuted his newest trick this month: sitting up!

Uh, guys...a little help here?

So grown up