Sunday, August 15, 2010

June 21, 2010 to August 15, 2010

Sorry for the two-month hiatus from updating the site. To make up for it, we've got a super-sized update for you. Enjoy!

Voodoo Donuts opened up a location in Eugene. Cashel was extremely excited for the "gingerbread man" cookie (aka the voodoo doll donut).

She wanted to eat the head first.

Cashel greets us back from our anniversary cruise.

Cashel has re-discovered her camera. Perhaps a Cashel-view update is in order.

Dad and Cashel went to the Eugene Raptor Center.

She really wanted to pose for a glamour shot.

Our first family camping trip, at the Paradise Campground along the McKenzie River

A big thanks to the Delfs for letting us use their camp site and gear!

All the comforts of home.

Our campsite was right next to a creek.

We met up with the Yehs for a mini hike.

So beautiful!

(enter your own caption for this picture)

Shakespeare in the park, starring Cashel and Audrey.


This cool stump was right in our campsite. Cashel loved it.

Back home, exploring the back yard.

Not a fan of the play yard...

...or the hat.

At Daddy's birthday dinner.

Cashel loves playing dress-up at the mall.

Playing at Skinner Butte Park.

First swing ride!

He really enjoyed it.

Can you spot the sleeping baby?

How big is Peter?

Peter's actually taking a few steps now. Time to bring out the rocket!

We spent a day with the Sledges in Olympia. Xander and Cashel got to check out a couple of tugs at the waterfront.

Last weekend we went to the Portland Zoo with Katy and Keawe.

Keawe driving the jeep.

We saw a real live triceratops!

Digging up a fossil.

We let Peter feed himself some cottage cheese.

This may never happen again.