Saturday, October 9, 2010

August 16, 2010 to October 9, 2010

So sweet

Peter graduated from the baby tub!

Cashel has been making good strides in her swim lessons. This was the first time she's used goggles. raviolis

Tired and hungry

Not sure what the expression is all about.

Cashel loves to floss her own teeth

Check out the concentration

We had a little gathering in Eugene the weekend before Peter's 1st birthday.

He was skeptical at first, but once he tried the cupcake...

... life was good.

Fun in the ball tent with Shun

At the Science Factory

Eating a Sweet Treasures blueberry cupcake on his actual birthday. I think he likes it.

Who, me? I'm not doing nuthin'.

We went to Ikea and stopped by the food court. Cashel loved to scoot around these food carts.

Haircut time! She was very concerned that we were going to cut all her hair off.

Nope, not bald.

How can you resist this face...

...or this one?

She looks so grown up

Popo treated Cashel and Mom to mani-pedis.

Peter's Washington birthday celebration, at Golden House in Mukilteo.

The AMAZING Rainbow cake from the Kauai Bakery in Seattle.

His noodles were too hot and he had to wait for them to cool off. As you can see, he was not very patient.

Blowing out the candle (with help from big Sis).

Jaydon and Peter being cute together

Opening presents was a little stressful for him

Not happy that Conan O'Brien was taken off the air

Cashel wanted to have a cupcake day.

She's a tad excited



The most important step in baking.

Peter loves his corn

We briefly stopped by the Fall Festival in Corvallis, where Cashel got to try lots of crafts.

Spin Art!