Sunday, November 14, 2010

October 10, 2010 to November 13, 2010

Cashel and Mom ran in the Susan Komen Race for the Cure this year. Thanks to everyone who sponsored us!

It was a wee bit rainy.

Cashel did great - ran on and off for the first mile and made it cheerfully all the way to the end. We'll have to make this a yearly tradition!


For Cashel's big 5th birthday, we left Peter with Nanny and went to the Disneyland and California Adventure parks! They treated Cashel like a princess from the moment we checked in at the Disneyland Hotel. Thanks to our friend Tasha's tips, we discovered that the wallpaper in our room was covered in (glow-in-the-dark) pixie dust, and Mickey himself gives the wake-up calls in the morning.

Cashel drew a picture about her day every night.

Our first day in the park was on Halloween, so Cashel was all decked out in her Princess Belle regalia.

Tasha met up with us for the day.

First ride: the Astro Orbiter!

Not the second coming of King Arthur, apparently.

Cashel made this string of beads for Rapunzel to wear in her hair.

The outside of Rapunzel's house was adorned with her long hair...Cashel was skeptical that all the hair out there was really attached to the princess in here.

Comparing shoes with Tinkerbell.

In Frontierland, you can get a roasted turkey drumstick. Cashel pretty much ate the whole thing by herself.

Cashel decided that the Haunted Mansion was looking too scary, so she and Dad waited outside for Mom and Tasha.

We caught one of the parades, and Cashel got to go out and dance with the characters.

Which is the real Princess Belle?

Cashel and Ariel talked about swimming. Cashel is still a little nervous about getting her face in the water, so Ariel gave her some pointers.

On Cashel's birthday, we had breakfast at Ariel's Grotto, where the princesses like to hang out.

We met Cinderella...

...Snow White...

(Cashel's favorite part of all was getting a birthday brownie at breakfast)

...and Sleeping Beauty dropped by right as they were singing "Happy Birthday."

We asked her to do a princess pose for this one. Obviously.

Very excited to ride the big ferris wheel!

Showing off her special necklace from Popo.

Toy Story Midway Mania was the clear winner on this trip. It's a 3D arcade-style ride, and Cashel rode it three times.

Available this holiday season in a store near you!

Enjoying the rides in "A Bug's Land."

Yes, she ate the whole thing.

We sat in on an animation workshop. It was a little frustrating for our sweet perfectionist (and a little advanced - they had us trying to draw Grumpy!).

At the "Turtle Talk" show, Crush from Finding Nemo comes out to talk to the audience. Cashel had her hand raised from the moment she sat down, but never was called on. When the show finished, she was crying and we were trying to comfort her, but the Disney cast member in charge saw what was happening and treated Cashel to a one-on-one conversation with Crush, complete with a "hatch day" serenade. Such a special, special moment.
(Sorry about the formatting - we had some trouble.)

For Cashel's birthday dinner, we went to Goofy's Kitchen for another character-rich dining experience. Here she's asking the Fairy Godmother about her wand.

It was a kid-friendly buffet, and our little gourmand chose a hot dog, PB&J pizza (it was super good), and lox.

Chip (or Dale?) was there for her happy birthday song and special princess birthday cake.

After Halloween, they started gradually rolling out Christmas decorations.

Last day in the parks - this trip went by too fast!

On the Nemo Submarine Adventure.

On Autopia. Cashel is a crazy driver!

Cashel loved spinning super fast on the teacups.

Impromptu nap while waiting in line.

Cashel talked gumbo with Princess Tiana.

She was pretty hesitant to go on some rides, especially ones that went inside spaces that she couldn't see from the outside, but she went on Splash Mountain with Mom on our last day.
Check us out in the back of the log.

Bouncing up to Tigger.

We happened to be standing by an employee gate when Mickey and Goofy walked out from "backstage." Cashel just walked up and took their hands, and they walked along like this with her for a little ways before stopping to let us take pictures. Another magical Disney memory for us all.

Farewell, Disney! We had a wonderful time, and will definitely be back for Peter's 5th.

Back at home we had a great present of dress-up clothes waiting for Cashel from Oma, Grandpa, and the family.

She had a great time choosing gifts at the enormous Disney store - like this Ariel doll from Auntie Sarah, Uncle Jeremy, and Jaydon.

Cashel picked out a Sleeping Beauty doll from Auntie Susan and Uncle David...

...and this set of dolls and tshirt from Popo. Thanks to everyone!