Sunday, January 16, 2011

November 14, 2010 to January 15, 2011

Cashel was in the Oregon Ballet Academy's Children's Nutcracker. Here are a few pictures from the dress rehearsal.

Posing with her pal Emma after rehearsal.

Original choreography by Cashel.

Peter's first haircut. He did a great job with it, but he held this serious/concerned face the entire time.

Thanksgiving dinner with Aunt Mary and Nanny.

Yay! Dinnertime!

I'm not sure what prompted this face.

Intently playing Angry Birds on the smart phone.

On our way to pick up our Christmas tree.

Peter was quick to find the perfect tree.

This was the big day of Cashel's Nutcracker performance. Here she is as a flower in the "Waltz of the Flowers." (Not sure why it's cut off on the right. Right-click on the video to watch on
As you can see, Cashel did a great job.

Cashel really got into decorating the tree this year.

Ta Da!

And now, for some outtakes from our Christmas card picture.

Clearly plotting against us.

Visit to Santa Claus. Cashel drew him a picture and asked for a flute.

Here's the best of our pictures with Santa. Peter wouldn't let Santa touch him, so he had to hide behind the couch for the picture.

Mom taught Cashel how to make paper snow flakes. fructose corn kernels

Grandkids posing with Grampa Jim and Grandma Judy.

Peter loves to stomp bubble wrap.

Cashel helping John decorate cookies for his daycare teachers. Or is it the other way around?

Christmas finery.

Cashel woke us up on Christmas exclaiming, "Santa been here!" It was a lovely morning and the kids enjoyed their gifts from Santa, family and friends.

Constructing a Trader Joe's gingerbread house.

She did a great job of not eating all the decorations.

A little New Year's Wii with Carl and Nathan.

Trying out his new shark mittens.

Our New Year's Day tradition...Cashel eats it as fast as we can crack it.

Not a fan of Cashel's harmonica skills.

Visiting the amazing Harry Potter exhibit and the rest of the Pacific Science Center.

They even had a space for Peter-sized kids.

Cashel hanging from a chin-up bar. "Hurry up and take the picture!"