Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's been a long time...January 16, 2011 to April 16, 2011

It's been a very busy few months and we haven't been able to update the site as frequently as we'd like. We're going to try and include more videos in our updates from now on. Enjoy!

Peter can play with bubble wrap for hours

Every year Daddy and Cashel go to Mariners Fanfest at Safeco field

Cashel has a unique windup

Posing with Chone Figgins' bat and helmet

Pitching from the bullpen

The kids love spaghetti day

Peter Knievel

His head is really not that pointy...that's all just crazy hair

Again...he likes to live life on the edge

Peter loves making hats out of anything that will fit on his head

Notice Peter lurking in the background...plotting to retake his hat

We took Cashel to see the Imagination Movers with special guests Choo Choo Soul. After the show, Cashel got to meet Genevieve and DC of Choo Choo Soul.

Though she did give Mover Dave a high five during the show, the best we could do with getting a picture with the Imagination Movers was this advertisement. She had a great time though.

(Insert your own caption here)

Feed me!

Aunty Susan and Uncle David got these great hats for the kids, who absolutely loved them

Showing off her new fake tattoo from the Eugene Irish Festival

Baking brown bread for St. Pat's day

Trying her best to wait for them to cool

Fun at the Science Factory

Cashel put together a puppet show for Peter, Mommy, Nanny, Uncle Matt and Aunty Jackie

Peter has started hiding in random nooks around the house, waiting to be found

So many of our photos seem like stills from a kids horror film

Sick baby

Hmm...Peter doesn't look too comfortable

Cashel was invited to her friend Lupine's birthday party, where she got to ride a horse for the first time. She was very excited.

As you may have noticed in some previous pictures, Peter's hair was getting out of control. We decided to try our hand with the clippers.

The aftermath. ("What's all this stuff on me?!!?!?!") Some of those clippings were three inches long!

It takes some getting used to, but we think it looks cute

The kids got to see Mommy's choir concert with the Swingle Singers

Peter was not quite heavy enough for the seat