Sunday, August 7, 2011

June 15, 2011 to July 9, 2011

In June we were able to travel to Hawaii to visit family and spend time with the Smoldons and the Chervenaks.

Our first stop was at the Bishop Museum, which had a special dinosaur exhibit.

Cashel was a little concerned about the moving Tyrannosaurus (notice the shadow).

Don't worry, it's not a real Nene

and not real food.

When you hit the drum, it shows the force from your hit on the wall. In the video below, you can see how strong Peter is.

Peter likes noodles.

Playing in the fountain at the Willows restaurant. Peter got a little too close to the spray.

While staying with Tai Tai, Peter practiced putting on shirts by himself. He's getting closer.

For part of our trip, we stayed at a rental house in Kailua. The Smoldons brought a huge duffel bag filled with Jaydon's toys. Peter was very happy.

"Mowing" the "lawn."

Uncle Jeremy helped Cashel catch a gecko in the house. There were actually a ton of them apparently living in/near the hot tub.

This one didn't sell auto insurance.

Cashel played a lot of ping pong with Paul during our stay.

We went to cousin Kalena's first birthday luau, where there was a bouncy house. This was Peter's first try (Cashel's a veteran bouncer).

The party had an incredible face painter. Doesn't that nose look real?

At the Honolulu Zoo, where Peter spent the longest time waving to the ducks.

Peter was very interested in pushing his stroller while we were at the zoo.

He became distracted by the leaf blowers and steered a bit off-course

Posing with Jaydon

The kids spot the tiger!

Throughout our trip, Cashel would randomly pose and ask me to take pictures of her.

Peter wanted to climb the giraffe statue. You can see the determination on his face.

That determination alone allowed him to climb the entire giraffe, even as Uncle Jeremy tried to pull him down.


Synchronized giraffe-leg stepping

Fun with leaves.

Every time we visit the Honolulu Zoo, we take a picture of the kids at the keiki zoo sign. Click here to see last year's photo.

However, Peter was less than cooperative when asked to stand and smile this year. This is only a few of our attempts to get a nice photo (Cashel did great).

This is the best one we got.

The keiki area has a fish tank that you can crawl through and peek out in the middle.

We ate a lot of shave ice, but none were as great as Waiola.

Beach time at Kailua beach park.

Peter was not interested in the water, so he played in the sand for a little. However, he decided that he was not a beach fan... evidenced by this picture.

Cashel loved the beach and could have spent the whole day there.

Waiting with Aunty Sarah and Jaydon for the dolphin show at Sea Life Park.

The kiddos were able to feed the sea turtles.

More Cashel-requested photos.

Cashel tries to navigate through the "splash zone."

The rental house had a swimming pool, which we didn't make use of nearly as much as we should have.

The world's largest maze at the Dole Plantation. Last year Cashel participated, this year she finished (in the pouring rain).

Sitting on the pineapple train.

I turned the viewer around on the camcorder while taping the train ride. Can you tell when Cashel notices herself on the screen?

Byodo Inn Temple

Last year, Cashel really wanted to ring the temple bell, but she was not allowed to because a wedding was in progress. She was very sad.

This time around, she finally got a chance.

More shave ice needed.
It was a great trip and we had a fantastic time with our friends and family.

Cashel drew Angry Birds

Strawberry picking at River Bend Farm.

Peter spent less time picking

and more time eating.

Cashel tried to teach Peter how to roll. However, Peter couldn't get past this part.

We went geocaching with Cashel and found quite a few caches.
