Saturday, December 10, 2011

Summer 2011: July 10, 2011 to August 26, 2011

We haven't had much time to update the site over the past few months. Part of delay is that going through 5 months of photos is a daunting task, so we've decided to attack these updates in manageable chunks. We begin with this past summer...

We got a new outdoor table over the summer, which was great because we could eat more meals in our backyard, allowing for more moments like these.

There was a time where this was Peter's favorite "hat."

Every summer, Eugene puts on an event called "Touch a Truck," where kids can sit in a variety of vehicles from fire engines to construction vehicles. Cashel has loved going to this (here, she's in a milk truck), and we were excited to see Peter's reaction, since he LOVES trucks.

As you can see, he was dumbfounded.

Peter was a little tentative at first, but he eventually got into it.

Buckling up in the fire truck

Cashel preferred to pose vs. buckle up.

For a while it seemed like he was getting close to being able to climb out.

We are not necessarily an outdoorsy family. However, we now have what has become a yearly camping trip, which the kids enjoy. Here we are Paradise Campground on the Mckenzie River.

During our trip, we visited Sahalie Falls.

The 242 Highway is only open for a few weeks in the summer, and meanders through some amazing lava fields.

Cashel was super excited to visit the Dee Wright Observatory, made entirely out of lava rocks.

Inside the observatory there are "windows" that take in all the nearby mountains.

Not happy.

We took the kiddos to a Mariner's game for a family friend's birthday. It was the first time we've been able to stay for an entire game since we've had kids. And the Mariners won!

Cashel posing with our carrot harvest (it took about 3 months for them to get to this size). She really enjoyed working in the garden this year.

Peter enjoyed jabbing people with the cucumbers from the garden.

Peter's first peanut butter. Verdict: Awesome

Cashel and Daddy went to the Lane County Fair this year. Not quite Disneyland, but she had a great time nonetheless.

Bumper Cars!

It wouldn't be a fair without fried ice cream.

Peter is now old enough to go to the same day care center as Cashel. Before his last day at Olum (his old day care), he decorated cookies for his teachers.

Pretty proud of himself.

Peter's last pick up from the Olum Center. We definitely miss all the wonderful staff who work there.