Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fall 2011, Part 1: August 27, 2011 to October 31, 2011

Continuing to play catch-up, we present to you the first months of fall:

Peter turned 2 in September and we hosted a birthday party for him in our backyard. He woke up from his nap after the party started, so he was a bit confused as to why all his friends were in his yard.

Mommy made blueberry cupcakes...Yum! For some reason we only put one candle on. Oops.

Enjoying cupcakes and watermelon with his buds: Dylan and Miles.

Uhh...wrong side, Peter.

We made breakfast for dinner, and Cashel created her own masterpiece. Blueberry pancakes stuffed with corned beef hash and eggs...take that, Paula Deen.

Don't forget the maple syrup. It doesn't sound great...but she loved it.

Peter went the conventional way and separated his breakfast components.

On Peter's actual birthday, he got more cupcakes! These are peanut butter and jelly cupcakes from a friend's cupcakery.

He loved these!

Peter loves watching Daddy mow the lawn. So naturally a lawn mower of his own, picked out by big sister was a hit.

Cashel was pretty excited for her first day of Kindergarten at Buena Vista Spanish Immersion school.

We cannot believe our little girl is in school already...where does the time go?

Popo and Tai Tai stopped by for a brief visit. We tried to get a photo with the kids and Tai Tai, with limited success.

Peter loves this broom. He uses it for everything but sweeping. His favorite uses are as a baseball bat and to get toys from under the couch.

Look at that batting stance.

Each fall we go to the Camp Millennium Pumpkin Patch fundraiser, which is a great event for a great cause.

Peter seemed very confident he could get through this maze...

...He didn't quite make it this time. Maybe next year.

In October, Cashel and Daddy went to the Phoenix area to attend a cousin's wedding (Congrats Tyler and Jackie!) and Cashel was the flower girl. In the days leading up to the wedding, we were able to check out the area, including Chase Field, home of the Arizona Diamondbacks.

This was some type of moving baseball art display outside the stadium which was mesmerizing to Cashel.

Not sure why this particular face, but this is Cashel sitting in the dugout. Perhaps she just learned how much money baseball players make.

Next, we visited the Arizona Science Center, which was pretty incredible. This is a large rotating K'NEX ferris wheel.

She had the most fun with this camera that distorts your image.

There was a part of the museum where you could stand on a platform where a series of natural disasters would strike (sounds fun, eh?). Cashel preferred to watch safely outside the gate.

It was over 100 degrees there each day, so we had limited time outside during the day. One day Uncle Darrell, Aunty Megan, Daddy, and Cashel went for a short hike. This was a snake-themed playground at the beginning of the hike.

Dressed for sun safety

The hike wasn't actually like was more of a trail that led to a nice lookout, which is where these photos are taken.

Daddy told Cashel he'd give her a dollar if she could push this rock down the hill. I know it's a little mean, but she's now a dollar richer.

Flower girl time.

She did a great job and it was a lovely wedding.

On our last day, we visited the Sea Life Aquarium (which is located in a mall in Tempe).

This was a pretty large mall, which had a carnival area. So naturally, we had to do the merry-go-round.

Within days of returning from Arizona, Cashel lost her first tooth!

This is a special tooth fairy pillow that was Mommy's when she was little. Cashel put her tooth in it and went to sleep in anticipation.

The next morning, she had a shiny new dollar coin. As you can see, she's elated.

That's better

We had Cashel's 6th birthday party at Potter's Quarter. The kids had a great time painting their own pottery creations.

Apparently we're going with the one-candle theme again.

Potty mentoring.

Peter got in on the pumpkin-carving action this year. He was happy to get his hands in there, but then panicked when he got a seed on his chest.

Notice his protective posture. Cashel was very excited to have her own pumpkin to work on.

Cashel was a ballerina for Halloween, and Peter was a goldfish. He wasn't so sure about the costume at first, but quickly got in the spirit after his first candy score.

Happy Halloween!