Sunday, April 22, 2012

More Catching Up: November 1, 2011 to March 24, 2012

Still playing catch up on the blog...Enjoy!

Cashel got a free milkshake on her birthday from Red Robin.

Happy 6th Birthday!

Peter had a period where he wanted pigtails all the time, though it was tougher to do with his shorter hair.

Cashel loves to rake.  Hopefully this lasts for the next 12 years.

Cashel made "turkey" cookie treats for thanksgiving (with Mom's help of course).

Aren't they cute?

Making a wish...I think they both won (or lost).

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Winter Celebration - Peter 12/11 from orangewker on Vimeo.

Peter's performance at the Unity School Winter Celebration.  Note his athleticism near the end.

Enduring a haircut, and doing his best Tom Selleck impression.

Taking a break from terrorizing each other.

At Christmas, Cashel got a real microscope from Santa.  It even came with a slide of mummy wrap. "I'm a real scientist!"

We were fortunate to be able to spend some of our winter break with our close friends, the Smoldons.

Not sure what was going on here, but it appears that the santa/tree was fumbled and Jaydon recovered it for the first down.

Spending a little time with Tai Tai.

We also visited Grandpa Jim and Grandma Judy and all the cousins (Ben, Jake, and Katherine).

Peter - Cars 12/11 from orangewker on Vimeo.

Can you tell Peter loves cars?  Bink!

Cashel loves to help Daddy cook.  Periodically, she picks our a recipe from one of her cookbooks and makes dinner or dessert.  Here, she's making meatballs for spaghetti.  They were delicious!

Mariners Fanfest in January.  Cashel and Daddy have gone to every Fanfest since she was born.

Looks comfortable

Getting Jesus Montero's autograph.  Unfortunately, a reporter interrupted her visit with interview questions.

Because of the interruption, he agreed to pose for a picture with her (something they don't generally allow).

Catch with Daddy.  Look at that form.

Cashel - Fanfest batting from orangewker on Vimeo.

Last August, Cashel began hula dancing with the Keikis of Halau Hula Na Pua O Hawai'i Nei.  This is from her first ever performance at the Asian Celebration in February.

She was very nervous before the performance, but she settled in.

Here's the first performance, which was a hula kahiko (ancient style).

Here's the second performance, which was a hula auana (modern style).

She did a great job, and has been doing even better as she continues to practice with the halau.  Right now, they are preparing for a competition in Sacramento in July.

After the performance, we walked around the booths at the Asian Celebration, trying on a variety of things.

Cashel was very lucky to be able to have a private horseback riding lesson (thanks to Courtney, Dave's friend from OSU).  She was in heaven.

She became very proficient at stopping the horse (named Smokey).

"Look Mom...."

Cashel Horseback riding from orangewker on Vimeo.