Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 27, 2011

Cashel was telling me about her day, and mentioned putting on a play at school where she was the hula dancer. I asked her to tell me all about it:

"The play is called Humpty-Dumpty: A New Story. Actually, I just made that up. I don't know what it's called. Humpty-Dumpty was sitting on the wall playing his guitar. Then, some pirates decided they wanted eggs for breakfast. So they put a plate on the ground under him, sneakily, and pushed him off the wall. And then Humpty-Dumpty became 'olk.* Then, a hula dancer came and danced around the pirates, and they ran away. The hula dancer called some animals to help, and they put Humpty-Dumpty back together with glue. Then the animals made a different kind of egg breakfast for the pirates, because Stephanie was a chicken.

Why are you laughing? This is serious."

* Cashel treats the "y" at the start of this word as silent, and has on occasion corrected me when I voice it.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

April 17, 2011 to June 14, 2011

We're back from Hawaii and sorting through a ton of pictures to share. While we work on that, here's an appetizer of pics from before our trip

Here's the one we'll show his prom date.

The Easter Bunny hid the kids' baskets again this year.

Such a good helper!


We built garden beds this year, and Cashel's been a great helper. Here she's putting in some cabbage starts.


You can read about our garden (mis)adventures at The Hapless Gardener

Peter's a funny kid.

In May we went with some friends to Sunriver, OR for the weekend. Cashel immediately got comfortable in our rental house.

Exploring Town

After having a pony ride, Cashel went to check out the horses, and they all came up to the fence to check her out too.

A couple of horses were rearing and generally jostling each other (they must have thought the kids had snacks or something), and Peter got a little scared.

I have no idea what this is, but Cashel liked it.

Enjoying the playground with our friend Audrey.

We stopped for ice cream in town. Cashel sat at the counter where she could admire herself in the mirror.

Cashel's school had a preschool graduation party at the beginning of June. She'll be starting kindergarten this fall!

On a weekend trip to Portland, we stopped at a cute barbershop for kids. Cashel was concerned with keeping her hair long, "like Rapunzel."

Peter got in on the fun, too.

The "after" pictures - so cute!

They even did Cashel's hair with clips and glitter spray. We'll be back here, I'm sure.

Hanging out at the Portland Zoo

Gardening at night...we lost our light while trying to finish up some work, but Cashel was dedicated.

Packing for Hawaii -Peter's trying hard to make this monkey fit.

Hello Kitty is a very suspenseful show.