Saturday, June 8, 2013

March 1, 2013 to May 26, 2013

 Fun at the store

 Cashel's diorama about the fennec fox.  If you look closely, you can see where she used extra hau grass from her grass skirt.

 Cashel played spring soccer this year.  She had six games (3x3 scrimmages) during the season, and had a great time!



 Afternoon hike to Alsea Falls

 Cashel got to take a tour of the Franz Bakery in Springfield.  Highlights included seeing the largest oven this side of the Mississippi, getting free bread, and rocking the hairnet.  

 After lots of practice, Cashel learned how to ride her bike!  She and Daddy have been taking lots of rides this spring and she's doing great.

 Always wants to be like big sister

Fun with buddy Jade before the big fiesta performance.

Here's Cashel's first grade class and their performance of Danza Kuduro

 Some very strange lambs at the Wildlife Safari in Winston

1 comment:

  1. Love these! The super athletic semi-slide while playing soccer is great. Our love to you all.
